
Ingredients: –
2 cups Rice
1 cup grated jaggery
¼ cup grated coconut
3tbsp white sesame seeds
¼ cup water
1tsp elachi (cardamom) powder
Oil for frying

Method: – Soak rice overnight or for four hours. Dry in shade for an hour and grind to powder. Heat a heavy base pan and add water, jaggery, coconut, sesame seeds and elachi powder. When the syrup is ready remove from flame. (Syrup test – Take water in a small bowl, add a drop of syrup, it should forms a soft ball in water).
Add rice flour to the syrup mixing with a spoon to form soft dough. Make small balls of equal size. Deep fry in oil to golden brown. Remain fresh for 15 days.

You can use rice flour to avoid the tedious process of soaking and grinding rice. In such case you increase jaggery to 1 ½ – 2 cups.

Recipe courtesy: Swarna Kumari

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