Amazing inventions for the disabled

It’s not everyday that we stop and think about what we do and don’t have. It’s far too easy to get on with life. However, there are some others in society who are marginalised because they are differently abled to most of us. This means that they may need an extra hand to help them become independent and responsible for themselves and the decisions they make. Disabled persons come in a variety of shapes and sizes and not one of them is the same as the next. In recognition of this and their needs, some inventors have come up with a great array of ideas specifically targeting this societal group and we’ve made a list of some of the best.

1. The Kenguru Electric Car – Normally, wheelchair users have to get out of a wheelchair, fold it up and get into a car to drive it. Now, the Kenguru Electric Car allows them to wheel themselves Kenguru Electric Carright into the driver’s seat from the back where the boot of the car normally is. CEO Stacy Zoern who struggles with a disability herself created this ‘community car’ allowing wheelchair users to run errands in it without much fuss.

2. Eyeborg – This new technology allows a user to detect colour through sound. Inventor Neil Harbisson was born achromatopsia meaning he can only see in black and white. His invention sends audible tones through bone conduction and can pick up 360 different colours.

3. iBot Stair-Climbing Wheelchair – DEKA Research and Development has created a wheelchair capable of climbing stairs. 2601Standard wheelchairs are normally cannot handle such a challenge. However, this new invention has the ability of going up and down stairs with self-balancing technology.

4. Liftware Base Stabilizer spoon – Recently bought by Google, this device allows people who living with Parkinson’s disease to feed themselves on their own. Parkinson’s disease often results in tremors in limbs such as the hands when they are held up eat or read a newspaper making such activities more difficult.

5. The SMART (Seizure Monitoring and Response Transducer) belt – This belt was developed by students at Rice University looking to help those with epilepsy who can suffer from seizures at any time. It helps to pick up signs of an incoming seizure and a transmitter sends a signal to a computer or smartphone to alert parents or carers making it easier to monitor and take care of their loved ones.

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