Plastic free bags

We all know plastic waste is polluting our planet and the result is a global plastic epidemic. So let’s be the change and take a step towards a zero waste lifestyle. Help reduce the impact plastic is having on animals, people and our planet.

Produce bags
Avoid plastic at the supermarket and use an inexpensive and easy alternative – the produce bags. Make plastic-free produce bags using an old t-shirt or a lightweight old fabric. A reusable produce bags can be made for next to nothing. For the drawstring you can use a spare shoe lace or any sort of ribbon or chord.

You can make bags approximately the same size as the plastic bags available in grocery stores. Leave them in your reusable grocery bags and pull them out when you are at the supermarket. If they get dirty remember to toss them in the wash.

1. Avoid Plastic Packaging –
plastic wrap

Buy unwrapped produce where ever you can
Buy bulk products where possible
Buy soap bars instead of liquid
2. Shop at your local store or farmers market
3. Make plastic-free produce bags
4. Give up plastic plates and cups
5. Say no to straws or if it is a must buy stainless steel or glass straw (Americans toss 500 million plastic straws everyday)
6. Say no to balloons and plastic toys
7. Buy loose tea leaves and coffee rather than teabags and coffee pods.
8. Use a razor with replaceable blades instead of a disposable razor
farmers market

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